The New Dessert Fad
During the recent compilation of my own list of so-called “new blacks”, a new arrival has taken over the number one spot. Dessert is the new black, or shall I say my new black. Probably not for the obvious reasons you may think. The probability of living on dessert alone is increasingly becoming more of a possibility in my life. Jamoca almond fudge ice cream for breakfast, strawberries with crepes and chocolate dipped bacon for lunch, and a big ol hunk of chocolate cake for dinner. I have a fiercely wicked sweet tooth I am thinking about removing.
My (not) so unique problem stems from my absolute love of all things wrong. Fattening, delicious, and unhealthy cakes and ice creams, and chocolates. It’s all just so damn good! However, we all know there comes a time in life when you have to start thinking and eating a little healthier and make smarter choices.
In my search of the perfect “I can have my cake and eat it too” dessert recipes, the rave reviews surrounding the amazing new dessert machines quickly grabbed my attention. Shortly after purchasing a NutriBullet, I stumbled across the paid programming infomercial for the Dessert Bullet, by the makers of the Magic Bullet (just shoot me already). Yonanas, another dessert machine I first saw on Bethenny was on my radar too. Wow! What is with all the hype about these low fat, low calorie, no sugar added, delicious desserts?
I never have a problem when it comes to checking out as seen on TV products – as long as they look like they might have a chance in hell of working. I had to see for myself which was the best of the pair, so I bought them both and put them to the test. Time for a head to head comparison.
After using both machines I came to a few conclusions. Yonanas really puts great emphasis on the banana, especially the preferred stage of ripeness before freezing, almost to the point of annoying. This emphasis, however is valid because the very specific “cheetah spotted” stage of the frozen banana really does offer up the most ice cream like texture and taste. It’s about as close as you can get to banana ice cream without all of the “bad” ingredients. The Dessert Bullet did a little better for my personal taste. The fruit was mixed slightly better, it’s much easier to clean without a doubt, and it looked better on my counter.
The Dessert Bullet and Yonanas were both tested with frozen bananas, strawberries and mangos, and the results tasted like a mix between creamy banana ice cream and fruit sorbet. The manual includes a variety of recipes using all types of fruits, as well as nuts and natural cacao nibs, but some of them seem a bit involved for a quick sweet treat, but use your imagination and you can create whatever you desire.
You can check out my full review. . .just click here.
I have finally found a way to keep some of the extra pounds away. . .in a much healthier, and less guilt-laden manner.
Yes, dessert is the new black.
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