Well, we’re about at the finish line, and we have a Final 3 of Derrick, Cody and Victoria. Shall we dive in? Time for another round of Big Brother 16 Updates & Spoilers!
Friday night’s episode ends with the HOH competition under way. HGs are on the wall! The very same wall competition that Caleb had been talking about taking part in for the past several weeks. I have to admit, I was kinda crushed for Caleb last Wednesday when he was evicted. For some reason Beast Mode Cowboy (yes, he has finally earned the moniker) grew on me the last several weeks. Constantly tooting his own horn, always talking about how he is going to be a star, how he is going to be the best thing since sliced bread, all while being a ninja judy chopping his way through life. Even with all of the bravado, Caleb is really a good guy at heart. . .at the core, and it really started to show in the past weeks. I know he was crushed, but he took it like a gentleman. I’m also happy that he did finally see through Frankie and his shenanigans.
The HOH comp is done and the winner of Part One is Cody. Victoria was the first one down. I heard her crying and she was off the wall and very upset with herself. Derrick was not holding up so great in this competition. He and Cody started the inevitable “do you want to stay up here all night, or can we figure out a way to end this” negotiation session. Derrick told Cody he was not feeling very confident about playing in the next round against Victoria. Cody became a bit frustrated with Derrick, telling him that he could absolutely win against Victoria. He asked if Derrick was feeling confident, and Derrick said “No, not really”. They went back and forth a few times about it, both seemingly not wanting to go against Victoria in the next round. Cody also wanted to win this comp because it was endurance. Sounds to me as if Cody believes he has to have this endurance win to have a chance of winning the game – stats and all I guess. He doesn’t have anything else in this game. Derrick asked if Cody wanted to hang out on the wall to put in a respectable time. Cody asks him again how is he feeling and Derrick says again, “Not great”. They finally agree that Derrick will relinquish the win to Cody and go against Victoria in the next round.
Part 2 of the HOH comp involves scaling walls and matching nominations and evictions. Derrick points out later that this was actual double duty, because of the dual HOH’s and nominees all season. Derrick is our winner in this battle, and Victoria is once again crying. She cried most of the night during BBAD (Friday). From her viewpoint, she thought she was doing well, but Derrick pulled out the win.
The next battle, Part 3 will be played between Cody and Derrick with the winner choosing who they will sit next to in the Final 2. As we have heard to date, Cody should take Derrick if he wins, and vise versa. If either of them decide to turn on the Hitmen Alliance and take Victoria to the end, they run the risk of the jury voting Victoria to win. . .just cause. . .just cause she got to the end.There have been several houseguests that have said this, even if in jest, it has been said more than once. I would hope with all of my Big Brother heart that the jury would not do such a thing, It gives me visions of Big Brother 13 when Porsche sailed through to the Final 3.
If Derrick and Cody do wind up sitting next to each other on Wednesday, I don’t see how the jury could vote for anyone but Derrick to win. Perhaps it will take some convincing on Derrick’s part, because he masterminded the game with a very subtle hand and very much off the radar. The jurors may not be aware of how much of a heavy hand he wielded in this game. We will wait to see Wednesday night.
Before I close I do want to mention the vote for America’s Favorite Houseguest. If I’m correct and I am in sync with America, Donny was the clear favorite for quite some time, especially during the two weeks leading up to his eviction. However, I do believe that Zach stands a very good chance to grab some votes as well – have you seen the tributes to him on YouTube?
The surprise for me is that Caleb, for the longest time in the house has proclaimed, hedged his bets, and pretty much begged us to make him AFHG. After the last couple of weeks, and his “likea-hill-bility” quotient rising amongst BB Fans, I do believe he will could shave off some of the votes for himself.
Here is my (personal) concern. Frankie’s 1.5 million fans, which incidentally grew to 2 million fans (he said it, not me) will all put in their votes and give him the win, This could absolutely happen, because there is a strong possibility that the rest of the votes will be split between Donny, Zach and possibly even Caleb. Hey Nicole could even eek out a few votes seeing as she was the first player in the house who wanted to shake things up and make a big move. I, myself, am torn. I love Donny as a player, but I LOVE Zach! Yes, he was a loose cannon, but isn’t that what Big Brother needs? Especially this season. If not for Zach, the start of this season would have been about as pleasant as watching paint dry. So I encourage you: if you care who wins, make sure you VOTE!. You can vote up to twenty times per day until Monday at 9:59am Pacific Time.
That’s about it! If anything else happens of significance, I will update before the finale, but I don’t expect much to change. Since the show is winding down, I can find some time now to write about my personal thoughts on this season and the players.
Who is your choice for AFHG? Who do you think will win Part 3 of the Final HOH? Who do you want to take home the big prize? Dare to share in the comments section!
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