Big Brother 16 premiere date has been announced and my favorite guilty pleasure of the summer will return on June 25th. I can hardly wait! This year Big Brother is giving us two nights of move in action – sort of a double premier, with extra content online. One of my favorite, and probably most successful houseguests
Jeff Schroeder will host a live pre-show online and will also be tweeting live during the first 16 hours of live feeds.
When it comes to Big Brother (BB) I sometimes wonder why I am so enthralled by the thought of investing nearly three months of my time to watch sixteen people enter a house to sit around and plan, plot, scheme and compete, all in an attempt to win some money, while exposing their inner most workings to John Q Public. I guess I am a fan of social experiments, and this is definitely a hamster cage on display.
Last season was quite entertaining. There were many characters to love or hate, and many characters to love and hate! Amanda was probably the most polarizing standout from season 15, but she brought the necessary drama to the show. As much as I was not a fan of hers, she did play the game. . .and her pizza delivery boy toy ruthlessly.
Seasons 10 through 13 inspired me to blog for a select few, keeping my family and friends up to date on the weekly shows, especially the nightly happenings on the infamous BB After Dark Series. Probably the worst part of last season for me surrounded the changes made to After Dark when it was moved from Showtime to TVGN (owned by CBS of course) and we are all wondering, will BBAD be censored again this year. Commercials ran rampant last season and usually blocked us out right at the height of some drama going down, or just as someone was about to spill the T! That time around the control room had full control of what they wanted us to see. I think it was also in an effort to make us want to pay for the live feeds. Gone were the days when it was a truly uncensored show as we’ve had in the past on Showtime. It was infuriating and caused me to do something I swore never to do. I signed up for the live feeds which turned out to be a great addition to After Dark, so if felt justified in the frivolous expenditure and never regretted that decision.
As we have come to expect from BB houseguests, season 15 brought the hook ups, breakdowns, fall outs, the customary leaks from the diary room, and the all too familiar threats to leave the house, but all in all it was another good season.
Now at this moment in time I find myself contemplating whether or not I am going to go all in and blog this season, or just watch the hamsters in silence. I skipped blogging seasons 14 and 15. Diehard fans of the show know that Big Brother has the ability to overtake your life from June to early September if you’re not careful. Already I’ve had several requests to blog this year. . .and I am very tempted, especially since I have officially started Jaxsology. It would definitely provide me with a vast amount of content to post. Be that as it may, I also know that I will have to be consistent in blogging about it, so as not to disappoint any BB loyalists.
This will be no small undertaking. In the past I have used Jokers Updates, and Pocket Big Brother throughout the season to keep up to date with stuff we don’t see on TV. Both have an army of helpers to provide up to date content. I would be flying solo.
It’s a decision I am going to have to make very soon, what with the premiere lingering ever so close. Would you be interested in one more take on the action? Are you in need of updates? Let me know what you think, because I’d do it all for you! Either way, I am looking forward to the premier, and hoping that this season will come in with a bang and go out with a thunderous boom!
Now. . .talk to me….
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